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Adding Keywords Under Campaigns
Ipek Han avatar
Written by Ipek Han
Updated over a week ago

Adding keywords to your campaigns is the heart of the Apple Search Ads. With dashboard, you can easily add keywords under campaigns.

You can add keywords in two ways: by hand or by uploading as a CSV file.

If you have fewer keywords to add, you can always add keywords one by one by choosing "Add Keywords" action on dashboard. Add your keywords, set their match type, bid and your campaign is all ready to go!

Here are few tips for adding keywords:

  • You can separate each word by either putting comma which means it is a reserved character.

  • You can also separate keywords by entering one keyword per line.

  • Characters such as [, ], {, }, ;, / are not allowed.

You can also get organic or paid keyword suggestions with their popularity score and ranking for any app and storefront combination.

Another way to add keywords under campaign is to upload your keywords as CSV file. This comes in handy especially when you have too much keywords. Download our formatted template, fill out required fields, upload your file and your campaign is good to go!

Here are few important notes to remember :

  • Maximum bid amount is $1,000.00 for a keyword

  • Bid amount cannot exceed Campaign Daily Budget

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